It would be a lot easier if people weren’t so judgemental. You ever have that moment where you just want to talk to someone anyone and the best person to talk to in that scenario is a stranger? Yeah that’s the situation I’m in right now there’s a lot going on in my mind and I just want to escape it all .

Why is everything so easy yet so hard? Why is it easier to be sad than to be happy? Why is it easier to lie rather than to tell the truth? Seriously the world is so backwards at all times. (I’m not like super depressed or anything) but there’s a lot about life that I don’t understand and here I am again battling everything in my mind.

Monday .

Hey everyone! How are you all? I’m doing well just at the work place once again. I don’t know if I ever told you guys what I do but basically I’m a sales associate/photographer on Fremont for the zip and zoomline (its not as cool as it sounds) the pay isn’t super great but hey it pays the bills, its not like I’m looking for a career at this very moment anyways. Aren’t we supposed to have shitty jobs at the prime of our youth and look back on it in the future when we’re making real money? (If that’s not the case then my mom sure did lie to me). Anywho my day has been pretty alright but I’d much rather be at home with some hot chocolate, a blanket, and a book. Speaking of books I haven’t got the chance to crack open Frankenstein because I have to read for classes 😕 now I’m not complaining but I’m just saying I really enjoyed reading in my free time. Well I just completely lost my tran of thought because I had to get someone a go pro so that threw my whole focus off :/ I’ll be back.


Ahhhh, my day is coming to an end . You know even though I’ve been doing this blogging thing for awhile I still never really know what to say or what I should talk about because if I talk about my life chances are I may bore you all to death unless some of you guys think I’m pretty cool. I’ll basically just say whatever comes to mind and how I feel about certain situations that arise. Other than that my first week of classes were really good, I think for the most part I’m really going to enjoy my world literature class and Anthropology.

Something that also came to my mind is that I think we as human beings make it seem like life is so difficult and hard you know? We can do anything we put our mind to if we’re really willing (well that’s how I see it).

I’ve also been wondering if I’ve been serious enough but you know what I think about being serious? It kind of takes the fun out of life really if you’re just dull, and realistic.

I’m rambling because I was two days late on a post so I’ll catch you guys later in the day when I have something important to say (laugh now).

Okay, bye 🙂


I don’t feel like much of a writer these days and I guess it’s because of my lack of writing. Truth is I’ve gotten pretty lazy especially when you work a lot, and then classes start tomorrow. (Forgot to mention that) yeah a lot has happened since my last post well the post before that one lol . I have a boyfriend now (another discussion for another day) back to me. I guess what I’m really trying to say is…. I don’t really feel that inspired lately. Usually after I finish a book it reminds my why I fell in love with reading and writing speaking of reading I just finished The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood  (its a great book with a terrible ending  (in my opinion) because of the cliffhanger).


I’m thinking maybe once my world literature class starts it’ll reawaken in me what feels to be dead. That drive, that motivation to want to write. I’m going to work on spending more time away from social media and focusing more on my surroundings and what goes through my mind. Replace my phone with my notebook and carry it with me always.


Can’t really get out everything that I want to say right now because I’m at work :/ so I’ll catch up with you guys tomorrow and let you know how classes were.


Have a great night, and if you guys have any tips for conjuring up inspiration please don’t hesitate to let me know!

Christmas 2015

So guys! I am terribly sorry for the absence!! I’ve been locked out of my blog for the past several months because I thought I’d be clever and put a two step verification code on my account (bad move). But I will be back later with more writing and an update with whats been going on in my life, I have missed all of you so much!

Yesterday I went to Bauman Rare books and I was completely blown away by what was in there. So many old, different books some I heard of some I hadn’t heard of but the experience was much more for me. When I’m surrounded by books sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed because there’s so much to choose from so many different journeys to go on. I really see reading as another form of traveling and here’s why:

When you’re reading you see the world from a whole different perspective you’re front row in someone else’s life and the journey is always unexpected for them and for you. That’s why I always say I don’t only wanna travel through books but also through my life..

For some reason oddly traveling has really been on my mind more than it usually is….Last night I was watching the Wild Thornberrys movie and I forgot how much I really enjoyed that show it made me feel alive (not saying that I never do). But Eliza inspired me she had a destiny she had something she had to do and she stopped at nothing to make it happen.

Now I know no one is ever really certain of their destiny or what this life holds for them but its fun to just flow with life and enjoy it. I think that a lot of people are way too serious and maybe that’s part of them being unhappy.

Look not quite sure where I’m going with this but all I wanna say is read more, love more, live more, travel more, challenge things, and have fun in your life. There’s too much out here to take advantage of.


To be honest I’ve learned and met so many different people now that I am living out on my own. I can say that I’m truly grateful for it. Talking to different kinds of people and trying to learn and take as much as I can from any experience.

I keep saying this but only because its true. I want my life to be full, exciting, and filled with the things that I enjoy the most and I don’t want anyone to slow that down for me which is probably why I can’t come to the conclusion of being in a relationship or not.

The love that I encounter may or may not be permanent but I’ve learned that temporary love is okay too.

Being able to see the world from my own eyes and no one elses is truly a blessing. I know that there is much more to come. Far more than what I am experiencing now. I’m reaching for the stars from here on out and I want to get my hands into a bit of everything! I’m happy with the way things are going even though I may not be fully satisfied at the moment but I’m still creating my life still finding myself through the madness. I believe that everyone I’ve met has definitely been for a reason and it’ll only progress.

So I say to anyone who is reading this even if your life seems like it’s not where you want it to be right now just enjoy it and be happy. Be content in your life this is the only life you’ll remember even if reincarnation is real or not live your LIFE  the way you’d like and don’t worry about what anyone has to say about it. That’s all its about. Do what makes you happy and go for whatever is burning in your heart.

You don’t like the way things are going? Change it and don’t wait for a second there’s so much to see.

Much love guys!

We all come together and pretend to have a good time or is it just me? Certain places that I come to hang out at are usually not up to my speed. As I’m saying this I’m taking my earrings off . Just loosening up and getting more comfortable to really observe my surroundings. I let myself try to at least feel the music just to try and catch the vibe of the place.

Smoking the hookah I let all my troubles subside. I wonder why everyone has to pretend or am I just pretending? Do people really enjoy themselves at these functions or is it all a facade to hide the fact that we’re all sad, lonely, unfulfilled? Truth is I’m neither at the moment. I’m just rambling. But society never ceases to amuse me…

Friday Night.

One of the newest words my generation has came up with is “lit”….. My Friday night is everything but that. I’m not sad about it or anything but I am a little bored I fell asleep before 10 but I’m awake now and it’s 10:50 :/ jokes on me right? Well this is just me posting something because….

Have a groovy weekend guys!